Plotcasts | Hear here.
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see” - Henry David Thoreau
The internet has created an ever-growing library of stories that help to illuminate the world around us. We can see things through new eyes when we layer on context and perspective. Plotcasts came about by chance, on a long road trip down the Pacific Coast Highway. We, (creators Heather and Sean) were listening to episode 188 of 99% Invisible, which referenced an old temperance drinking fountain in the town of Petaluma. With some disappointment, we realized that we had driven through Petaluma and right past the fountain, a mere 2 hours prior to listening to the episode. The missed opportunity sparked a thought - what if you could listen to stories regionally? What if you could access an interactive map of podcasts that referenced the things you were seeing in front of you?
Plotcasts was launched a month later - but the site at www.plotcasts.com is (and will always be) a work in progress. We welcome suggestions on what to listen to, as we continue to plot stories that lend context and perspective to the world around us. Please email suggestions, comments or criticisms to helpus@plotcasts.com